Serenia and I participated in our first raid since we hit level 70. Gruul's Lair!
I have to admit it was a little strange raiding again. The last time instance either of us had raided was one of the original 40 mans (BWL, AQ40, NAXX). Remember those?
On top of that, I was a primary tank during those raids. So, switching to a DPS class has been an interesting experience. I found it rather surprising how boring an instance can be when you are not working strategies, setting up targets, or one of the many other jobs that come along with a guild sponsored instance run. Anyways, the run was the first time the guild had attempted a 25-man instance since the Burning Crusade was released. So, suffice to say, everyone was probably a bit rusty. However, we did manage to defeat the first boss, High King Mulgar, and a few people picked up some Tier 4.
In some ways we feel left out since neither of us are a primary raiding class (i.e. healer/tank). But, at the same time, the lack of responsibilities is very refreshing. When you are just a DPS class, the guild does not depend on you quite as heavily. Though, my point of view only knows how raiding in the original game worked. Maybe things have changed...
I disagree with your statement:
"In some ways we feel left out since neither of us are a primary raiding class (i.e. healer/tank). But, at the same time, the lack of responsibilities is very refreshing."
DPS are as important as tanks and healers. If you don't do your job properly the healers will sooner or later be oom and will not be able to keep the tank alive, causing an inevitable wipe. It is the dps responsability to kill the mobs and they are as inmportant as the other classes. It is all a question of sinergy.
btw, first comment here for me but I've been reading your blog for a while and really enjoy it. Keep up the good work
DPS is far more important now a days imo. Specially now, sure before it wasn't as important, now thought a LOT of fights require tons of dps, some are not doable without it
I probably should have expanded my statement. I agree that DPS is just as important when it comes down to the actual fights. But, in my experience, tanks and healers have more "prep" work: targets, positioning, and timing (rotations). However, I admit that my expansion experience is limited, so it will be interesting to see how much things have changed.
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